Club Repair Services
Have a problem? We are here to help solve it!
Small repair and regripping services are provided on site.
Loft, lies and other large repairs are sent to our vendor partner for the most professional services available.
Collection: Club Repair
Club Repair Services
All minor club repair is done on site by our professional staff. Club Regripping, spike changes and other minor fixes are all handle by the golf shop. We are proud to offer any style, color & size grip that you prefer. Custom ordered grip selections usually arrive within 2 business days. Leading vendors include Golf Pride, SuperStroke & Lamkin.
All major club repair is coordianted through the original equipment maker. This includes reshafting, loft changes, lie adjustments and additional equipment request to ensure the best finished product.
The Pro Shop guarantees 24-hour turn around time on any instock grip or spike change. That means if you need your grips ready for your 9 am Saturday tee time, drop them off by Friday and we'll have them ready for you.